What defines culture?
· Culture is a process for identity of living creatures and cultural evolution raises the identity of society, benefit goes to its individuals. Culture differentiates from group to group (as behavior changes) though major part remains same as human culture to differentiate from other species. This gives different identity E.B. Tylor defines “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, Jaw, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”. Edward Sapir says that “Culture is any socially inherited element of Culture, distinguishing one societal group from another, includes beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, art, fashion styles, food, religion, politics, and economic systems. Through lifelong and ever changing processes of learning, creativity, and sharing, culture shapes our patterns of behavior and thinking

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· Culture can be defined as “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” It can also be understood as the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Therefore, it’s the shared patterns of our behavior and interaction which are learned through socialization · Importance of Culture Essay Introduction. Culture is the characteristic of group of people defined by everything such as language, religion, Characteristics. Culture has its own characteristics; we will discuss some of its characteristics here. As we discussed Types of culture. Material · Culture is a term that refers to a large and diverse set of mostly intangible aspects of social life. According to sociologists, culture consists of the values, beliefs, systems of language, communication, and practices that people share in common and that can be used to define them as a collective

Culture is learned
Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high importance · Culture is defined as the set of values, beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, and material objects acquired by a group of people through generations. We can say then that culture is a way of life, a “cultivated behavior” that is · Culture can be defined as “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” It can also be understood as the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Therefore, it’s the shared patterns of our behavior and interaction which are learned through socialization

· Culture is a process for identity of living creatures and cultural evolution raises the identity of society, benefit goes to its individuals. Culture differentiates from group to group (as behavior changes) though major part remains same as human culture to differentiate from other species. This gives different identity Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high importance Definition of culture Culture is the unique way of living of a particular group of people in the society. This specific group of people has a cumulative of experiences, traditions, customs, beliefs, values, arts, spatial relations, and other forms of life that make the unique from other societies (Rozin )

· Culture is a process for identity of living creatures and cultural evolution raises the identity of society, benefit goes to its individuals. Culture differentiates from group to group (as behavior changes) though major part remains same as human culture to differentiate from other species. This gives different identity · Importance of Culture Essay Introduction. Culture is the characteristic of group of people defined by everything such as language, religion, Characteristics. Culture has its own characteristics; we will discuss some of its characteristics here. As we discussed Types of culture. Material · Culture is our customs, our beliefs, and our values. It is part and parcel of our religious beliefs, superstitions, philosophy, and mythology. Culture determines what is acceptable and unacceptable in any society. Social norms are borne out of culture. It is manifested through our art, music, dance, architecture, technologies, and writings
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